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                Qingdao Municipal Party Secretary Zeng Zanrong to the company research
                Time: 2024/02/07

                On the morning of January 18, Zeng Zanrong, secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee, went to the company for research, Zhao Xingji, secretary of the Pingdu Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Hongye, deputy secretary of the Pingdu Municipal Party Committee and mayor of the Municipal government, accompanied the research, and Jin Yumo, chairman of the company, presided over the research and reception.

                Before the company's industrial automation parts factory product display, Chairman Jin briefly introduced the company's main products, main customers, product advantages, application scenarios to Zeng Zhanrong, focusing on the breakthrough of the "jam neck" monopoly of the strong base project ship chain, independent research and development of leading industry Zenming chain.

                Next to the production line at the scene, Zeng Zanrong asked in detail about the source of raw materials, equipment process, degree of automation, production power consumption, enterprise listing results, market industry scale, etc., Chairman Jin one by one explained the answer, Zeng Zanrong nodded from time to time. Zeng Zanrong also stopped to visit the innovative product of chain smart equipment and asked about the research and development of the product and its application prospects.

                In the digital platform center on the second floor, Chairman Jin showed Zeng Zanrong and his party the company's development history, qualification honors, collection and industrial park planning, the company's main revenue data, the "three-level" business growth strategy, and the "1441" digital strategic policy. Guo Ke, Director of Digitalization, introduced the operation of the digital platform, explaining the global order distribution, production progress, equipment operation and three-dimensional digital twins of smart factories.

                "You are very vision, can make the enterprise to this degree, can grow up step by step is not easy", Zeng Zhanrong on the solid work of Chairman Jin, the development of levy and gave affirmation. Zeng Zanrong pointed out that at present, the overall development of levy and is very good, the next step should pay attention to how to deal with the relationship between development, scale and efficiency, and to expand not only to consider scale but also to consider efficiency. For example, in the process, we should pay attention to energy consumption, and study the application of new technologies such as photovoltaic to achieve green development, cost reduction and efficiency. Zeng Zanrong stressed that the new fields that Zhenghe wants to enter are to compete with world-renowned enterprises, and in the face of pressure challenges, it is necessary to improve independent research and development capabilities, so as to gain a firm foothold in global competition. Zeng Zanrong required that Pingdu local governments should help to recruit and find industrial upstream and downstream related enterprises, concentrate on joint research, achieve group development, and improve the level of industrial clustering.

                "We will finish the job!" Chairman Jin expressed his gratitude for the affirmation and instructions of Zeng Zhanrong, and made a statement to levy and "three certain", levy and must seriously implement the requirements of the secretary, the secretary has a series of requirements to implement, play a role; Zhenghe must focus on the main business, increase technology research and development efforts, strengthen digital application, actively open up new market space, and constantly improve the added value of products; Zhenghe will create greater achievements to serve the economic and social development of Pingdu and Qingdao, and benefit the hometown people.

                After the investigation, Chairman Jin immediately held an on-site meeting and made a profound review of the investigation and reception activities. Chairman Jin pointed out that the survey reception activity was very successful on the whole, which benefited from the Pingdu Municipal Committee and the municipal government's great attention to the reception, careful guidance and detailed control; This is thanks to the careful preparation of various departments of the company, many drills, concerted efforts, everyone's hard work! At the same time, there are still some shortcomings in the on-site environment and overall planning of the reception, and Chairman Jin put forward five requirements for the next step to better do the reception work of the company:

                First, we must fully realize the importance of reception work. Reception work is an important opportunity to show the company's brand, culture and image, and is a direct manifestation of the company's comprehensive strength. Welcome to send are important leaders, important customers, ten million should not be careless. Second, we must grasp the prominent theme of digitalization. Through this survey, we learned that government leaders pay great attention to digitalization and intelligence, which shows that this is the general trend of development. It is necessary to increase the investment and application of digitalization, to do a good job in the construction of new projects such as the second phase of Baisha River digitalization, to effectively play the role of digitalization in business, and to polish the business card of "digital levy and". The third is to improve the development efficiency and reception level of industrial automation plants. At present, the industrial automation factory is the main position of the company to receive visits, to concentrate order resources to fill the factory capacity, to make the factory operation prosperous, to speed up the construction of the two-floor visit channel, to optimize the overall appearance of the factory, so that the guests are impressed and full of praise. Fourth, it is necessary to study and create "5A industrial tourism scenic spots". Levy and people do not do it is necessary to do high-end, do the first, the next stage to standard national standards, advanced enterprise cases, set the company's strength to gradually levy and build a national industrial tourism demonstration base, to open the door to welcome visitors, to show levy and ambition to lead the industry in the world. Fifth, we need to optimize the overall reception of visitors. Reception plans should be systematically classified and graded, and reception routes, time nodes and personnel arrangements should be standardized and standardized, among which the important reception should be levelled against the reception work level of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government. To control the PPT, scene, recording pen, LED screen, Kanban and other key details. To conduct drills in advance, we should devote ourselves to the reception service work, so that guests can feel the spirit of the people and feel the unique charm of the industry. In addition, at the on-site meeting, the reception staff made a summary and sharing one by one, and Chairman Jin made comments and guidance to the participants.

                Vice President Fu Jie and Vice President Dan Tao participated in the above activities.